A conference is a convergence of various people who discuss a particular subject or topic. People meet to seek knowledge and consult about a theme. All attendants of a conference usually have a common interest. A conference is different from a convention; a convention is much bigger and involves delegates representing several different groups. Conferences are usually more formal than meetings; they’re on a large-scale than a meeting. Suppose your company does not have sufficient space or the right equipment to hold a conference. In that case, you have to search for a suitable conference venue and facilities that will assist you to optimise your conference. Whatever concerns your conference aims to cover, ensure that the platform has the appropriate equipment that will meet the needs of the attendees. Equipment such as in-house Wi-Fi, comfortable seats and catering services allow the attendees to get the best out of the conference.

Most people ask themselves why they should leave their places and attend conferences. Attending conferences is still essential, more than ever before, they’re the best chance to meet new people, travel and have a good time obtaining new skills. Below are seven reasons in detail why conferences matter more than you think.

Room for Networking

Large-scale events like conferences are the ideal opportunity to stretch your network and get new mentors, collaborators and leads. Conferences are aimed at different groups of people that have similar interests. One of the most exciting aspects of conferences is the peer meetings and break sessions. You get to meet various participants, talk to each other, discuss outlined issues in the conference and share knowledge and information. Most of these people you meet at conferences have already invested in attending the conference themselves, so they’re open to meeting new people who have the same interests as them and hearing about new opportunities. Real interactions are valuable with people of similar interests in the business world. It’s so because sharing information, ideas, or insight is more accessible and more professional. It’s essential to remember that networking comes in many shapes, so don’t depend on organised sessions within the conference itself. Go above and beyond the call of duty.

Action tip: Go prepared. If there are attendees or speakers, you wish to meet and talk to, research and organise yourself well ahead of time. Read their latest articles or if their speakers have some insight into what they will discuss. So when you meet them, you’ll have a lot in common.

Widen your knowledge

No matter how much you know, there’s always time to learn new things. Conferences can help you as a developer learn new things, actually a lot of new things and make some improvements. Conferences bring together people from different backgrounds who develop diverse and innovative solutions. Listening to talks and presentations and interacting with fellow attendees can expose you to many business strategies. Give room for consultations, new software, new features, unpublished data, and learn from prominent people in the industry. At some point, you were new to your field and tried to acquire extensive knowledge. That’s why it’s always ideal to share your experience, perception or acknowledge a new one. Not only do you learn and develop a further understanding but also break out of your expertise, and you get to meet fellow attendees and speakers in person.

Action tip: Long-lasting leaders are long-lasting learners. While at a conference, ensure to take notes on the topics that have been presented and discussed. Try to review the presentations and discussions so you can recall the details and get a new perspective on the presented topics. Continuously ask yourself how you can improve all the time.

Get insight into the latest trends.

One of the primary reasons you should attend conferences is that they offer you a glance into the up-to-date trends and technologies. Knowing such movements, especially in the programming world, is vital for remaining on top of the game. Not only do conferences assist you in staying relevant, but they also spark your interest in what you love doing most. Suppose you’re fascinated by discovering more about the up-to-date movements in your field before they’re publicised. In that case, a developer conference is where you should be. Taking part in conferences puts forward new ideas that you can apply in your work—ranging from new tools, new digital software or new features you can implement. Also, being exposed to such events helps you awaken your creativity and innovation, get the best out of your work, and realise the mistakes in your workflow to improve them.

Action tip: Outline some of the challenges you’ve encountered in workflow processes. During the conference, pose a question to one of the speakers on how you can address one or two challenges you are facing in your work.

Travel and have fun

Conferences are usually organised in a location where you can appreciate the rest of the day or take additional days before or after it as a holiday. When conference organisers are developing a quality tech event, they aim to prioritise experience-based activities. They ensure to create a delightful attendee journey. Physical conferences help you break free from your daily routine. Even for just one day, try and do something different in a different region. Taking part in a conference in a different location widens your perspective. Interacting with other people from different customs helps improve your creativity and innovation, minimising your stress levels. Conferences can renew your motivation and energy levels by providing compelling stories from fellow attendees who once encountered the same challenge and overcame it. Operating within the same comfort zone limits your productivity and creativity levels.

Action tip: Prepare yourself in advance. Take a few days before or after the conference to have fun and peace of mind. It’s better when the conference is organised in an area where you’ve never been. It will expose you to new cultures and new people, among others.

Upgrade your CV

Participating in conferences helps you uplift your CV. Everyone does not usually do it, but including event experiences in your CV is a good approach. It shows your employees that you care and are serious about your career. Staying on top is essential. Therefore, keep track of the industry’s latest and current trends and happenings. And what other way of saying you’re on top than indicating it on paper. Taking part in a dev congress shows your bosses that you’re vigorously engaged with your field of work and taking the initiative to communicate with your industry peers. Including your conference experiences makes you noticeable among hundreds of candidates and shows your interest and love for what you do.

Action tip: Each time you attend a dev conference, ensure that you include it in your CV. Write the conference’s title, what was the aim of the congress, you as a developer why did you attend it and what did you gain from it. It’s okay. Even if you’re the host or the conference speaker, you can still put it in your CV.

Be inspired

Inspiration is known as the stepping stone to creativity. But in every line of work, it doesn’t matter how exciting. Things can get to a standard still. Sometimes we all need to recharge and obtain a new perspective. Attending conferences for a couple of days or a week is one of the most significant ways to promote inspiration by exposing yourself to new ideas and regenerating your work life. Listening to fellow industry leaders, innovators and investors hand you extensive insights that you usually don’t get in your daily routine. With these insights, you leave the conference feeling inspired and motivated by what you studied and who you interacted with.

Action tip: Try to attend inspirational sessions at conferences. You can attend a session that you rarely attend or one that doesn’t directly associate with your field. Keep your eyes on passionate sessions and out of the box presentations. These different sessions are often set right after lunch since the event organisers know that attendees can be less engaging after a meal and require something refreshing.

Career development

By attending conferences, you get to meet different companies and brands. And with the possibility of networking with new firms, you stand a chance of generating future opportunities. For your personal career development, taking part in such events helps you understand what factors to implement for your career to grow. Also, showcase that you’re actively involved in the developer community.

Action tip: Through conferences, you can develop your career by acquiring new skills that you combine with your existing skills to make a presence on the tech scene and network for future opportunities.


Don’t underestimate attending conferences just because you can get all the information you need about your business or product on the internet or somewhere else. Conferences can be essential to your company and personal development. They have speakers, inventors, investors, and pioneers who provide insights on different business aspects depending on the kind of conference you attend. Much as conferences are strictly work-related more than leisure excursions. Taking part in conferences can also be fun—more so when you’ve spent an extensive period without attending conferences.

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